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VOXX lance maintenant FOOT WAVE, un accessoire complémentaire pour hayon électrique
Cette NOUVELLE option ajoutée permet à votre pied d’activer le hayon électrique ou l’ouverture du coffre,
ce qui vous donne un contrôle mains libres pour plus de commodité.
Le produit FOOT WAVE est un capteur qui doit être installé par un professionnel dans le bas du
pare-chocs du véhicule afin d’activer le hayon électrique ou l’ouverture du coffre.

• Accessoire complémentaire activé de façon mains libres
qui permet d’ouvrir le hayon électrique ou le coffre d’un
mouvement du pied
• Il suffit de déplacer votre pied sous le pare-chocs arrière
pour activer le hayon électrique ou pour ouvrir le coffre
•Afin d’assurer la sécurité des personnes et des véhicules,
le capteur intelligent s’active à une distance de 61 à 76 cm
• Conçu pour être étanche à l’eau et à la poussière et pour
résister aux vibrations
• Application universelle pour les véhicules à clé intelligente
(à bouton-poussoir) équipés d’entrée passive sans clé
• Compatible avec les hayons électriques d’origine des
• Garantie de 3 ans
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Customer Reviews


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from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.

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