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"La dernière évolution en matière de protection contre les amendes. Le tout nouveau MAX360c-MKII avec Wifi bi-bande offre des performances radar révolutionnaires comme aucune autre. Il offre une portée 50% supérieure à celle du MAX360c, offrant une portée ultime et une précision pointue et vous permet de conduire sans souci grâce au nouveau système d'antenne et au DSP Blackfin. Les alertes visuelles directionnelles indiquent la direction de la menace détectée. L'intelligence est également intégrée dans ce produit de protection contre les amendes. Notre technologie AutoLearn brevetée utilise la puissance du GPS et la fréquence exacte pour apprendre et rejeter automatiquement les ouvre-portes indésirables et autres fausses alarmes fixes. De plus, un nouvel algorithme de filtrage amélioré réduit considérablement les fausses alertes provenant des interférences IVT environnantes. Le résultat est la protection longue portée la plus précise de l'industrie et une solution permanente aux fausses alertes. Désormais doté du Wifi et de la technologie Bluetooth® intégrés, le PASSPORT Max360c-MKII vous donne accès à l'application primée d'ESCORT, ESCORT Live. Notre réseau exclusif de protection en temps réel contre les amendes, qui vous avertit des alertes à venir reçues et signalées par d'autres utilisateurs dans la région, et vous donne accès aux données locales de limitation de vitesse pour des alertes de dépassement de vitesse. Comprend le support EZ-Mag et le Smartcord USB. La vente, la possession ou l'utilisation de détecteurs de radar peuvent ne pas être légales dans certaines provinces ou états. NON DISPONIBLE À LA VENTE AU QUÉBEC, EN ONTARIO ET DANS LES PROVINCES MARITIMES"
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from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.

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