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La seule ampoule DEL conçue spécifiquement
pour les motoneiges
La nouvelle génération de l'ampoule ODX B2.
Utilisez la puissante lumière DEL de 3000k sur
les feux de croisement et passez à 6500k sur les
feux de route. Ne soyez pas aveuglé dans les
sentiers pendant les tempêtes de neige ou
lorsque vous suivez vos compagnons. La lumière
3000k utilise la technologie SBT pour pénétrer
plus profondément dans la neige et le brouillard
et vous guidera sans créer un mur de neige blanc
• Les puces DEL sont refroidies par un ventilateur à la
base de l'ampoule
• L’ensemble est comparable à 8000 lumens.
• Projette un faisceau de lumière horizontal lorsqu'il
est bien installé et orienté. Ils n’aveugleront pas les
conducteurs en sens inverse.
• Garantie à vie limitée. Résistant à l'eau, aux chocs
et à la poussière.
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Customer Reviews


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from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.

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