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devenir revendeur ou AutoMobility trouvera un détaillant le plus près de chez vous
Sa petite conception la rend facile à installer en tant que feux de croisement ou feux de route dans la plupart des applications et ils ont également la grande capacité d'être installés là où d'autres ne le peuvent pas. De nombreuses voitures ont un
espacement limité, ce qui fait de l’ensemble RETRO votre choix préféré pour ces situations.
L’ampoule est blindé à 99,9 %, ce qui élimine la plupart des champs électromagnétiques générés par le processeur DEL afin de réduire les nterférences radio. Équipée d'une nouvelle
technologie de fine pointe dans les ampoules à
double intensité pour un faisceau supérieur sur les
feux de croisement et de route.
Les puces DEL sont refroidies par un ventilateur à haut débit à la base de l'ampoule. Le’ensemble vendu par paire.
• Blindé à 99,9% contre les champs électromagnétiques.
• Ajustable à 360°. Projette un faisceau de lumière horizontal lorsqu'il est correctement installé et orienté.
• Couleur blanc super froid de 6500k.
• L’ensemble est comparable à 5000 lumens.
• Garantie à vie limitée.
Résistant à l'eau, aux chocs et à la poussière.
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Customer Reviews


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from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.

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