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Facile à installer dans les phares à faisceau bas, à faisceau haut ou antibrouillard. Concus, pour tous les types de véhicules, qu'ils s'agissent de véhicules passagers, de camions utilitaires et de véhicules tout-terrain.

Installer sans aucune modification. L'ampoule DEL est réglable à 360 degrés pour permettre au faisceau lumineux de viser horizontalement et de créer un fort modèle de faisceau lumineux en saillance.

Entièrement concu avec de l'aluminium de qualité militaire.

100% imperméable, résistant à la boue, à la neige, aux chocs, aux vibrations et à la poussière. Peut tolérer des conditions météorologiques allant de -45c jusqu'à 85c.

Tension: DC6V-32V
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Customer Reviews


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from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.


from Markham, ON
Mar 21, 2017

Review title

Bought this monitor and returned it the same day because although I have an Nvidia GTX 560 video card, it was not powerful enough to scale resolution up to 4k HD. With the video card I have I was unable to go higher than 1080p !! So, before you buy this monitor, please sure you have the right video card with HDMI 2.0 and/or a Display port.

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